What is likely to happen to Fergus and Marsali in Outlander Season 8? (Based on the books)

Fergus and Marsali are back for Outlander Season 8. It's time to turn to the books to see what could be in store for them.
Outlander Season 3 -- Courtesy of David Bloomer/STARZ
Outlander Season 3 -- Courtesy of David Bloomer/STARZ

There is some great news for Fersali fans. Both Fergus and Marsali are back for Outlander Season 8. Now eyes are on what to expect for them.

We get to look at the Outlander books to see the storylines that we can expect. Just a warning, we’re going into spoilers for An Echo in the Bone, Written in My Own Heart’s Blood, and Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone for this post. So, if you haven’t read the later books and you don’t want spoilers, you know to click away.

Of course, if you’re here, then you want to see how the storyline is likely to play out. While Outlander has made changes here and there to some book storylines, the major moments haven’t changed. And that’s why we suspect Marsali and Fergus’s storyline will stay the same.

There’s tragedy for Fergus and Marsali in Outlander Season 8

If the show follows the books, there is tragedy to come for Fergus and Marsali. Claire heads back to America when she hears from Laoghaire that Marsali has written about Henri-Christian having breathing problems. Claire wants to save her grandson (yes, she views Henri-Christian as her grandson, too) and she and Young Ian go back while Jamie stays in Scotland for a little while longer.

While back in America, there’s a fire at the print shop Fergus and Marsali run. Sadly, Henri-Christian dies in a fall from the room, with Germain blaming himself for not being able to save his brother.

Fergus and Marsali leave Philadelphia, where they have been living. They head south and end up in Savannah for a while, where they have two more sons. The last we saw of the family was Germain arriving to the Ridge with his sisters. It’s not safe in Savannah, but Fergus and Marsali (with their twin babies) stay behind as Fergus feels like he has a duty to print the news of freedom.

We don’t know what’s to come for Fergus and Marsali. There is a chance that they will move back to the Ridge, or maybe they move to Wilmington where they are a little closer to Claire and Jamie. This would allow for everyone to be back around each other when the books come to an end.

So, expect more tragedy for Marsali and Fergus, but they will also get some good moments as well. Many of them happy off-book, but Outlander Season 8 does have the opportunity to show us a lot of the events that happen.

Outlander Season 7B will premiere in November 2024 on Starz.