Claire Fraser and 6 other inspirational women in Outlander

It's International Women's Day, and what better way to celebrate that than looking back at the most inspirational women in Outlander so far. Here are 7 to look up to.
Outlander season 1
Outlander season 1 /
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Marsali McKimmie Fraser

It’s hard to like Marsali at first, but she soon becomes a fan-favorite character in Outlander. Marsali is a woman who sees people for who they are. She looks past Fergus’s stump and cares for him. She loves him for who he is and continues to do that for the years that we see them together.

Marsali is not afraid to say how things are. She also knows when the right time to say something is. She tries to get through things at first, but she reaches out for support and help when needed.

She is also one of those who doesn’t get squeamish around blood. I would have loved to see her continue be Claire’s apprentice, but, alas, that doesn’t happen. However, we see her interest, her skills, and her smarts. She doesn’t let her upbringing or her life hold her back, giving us so many things that we can take inspiration from.

Margaret Campbell

Back in Outlander Season 3, Claire meets a woman who has visions. Of course, at first, Claire doesn’t really want to believe that Margaret Campbell has visions or can see prophecies. It’s only at the end that we see that she is some sort of medium—it’s when Brianna takes over Margaret’s body for a while, or Margaret channels Bree, whatever you really want to call that moment.

For a long time, Margaret is controlled by her brother. He says he “protects” her, but he’s really making as much money from her abilities as he can. However, Margaret gains the courage to step away from her brother.

As she shows an interest in Mr. Willoughby, things start to change. We get to see this woman who no longer wants to be a mouse. She no longer wants to be controlled. Plus, at the time, it would have been frowned upon for a white woman to be with an Asian man, but she doesn’t care about that. She sees past that and sees the goodness in Mr. Willoughby. I would love to see their story together.

Margaret may have only been in the show for a short period of time, but she is one to look up to when it comes to seeing it’s not too late to break free from toxic, abusive people.

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