House of the Dragon: Addam and Alyn of Hull explained

Addam and Alyn of Hull have become bigger players in House of the Dragon Season 2. How are they connected to Corlys Velaryon?
House of the Dragon season 2
House of the Dragon season 2

Seasmoke has a new rider. Meanwhile, Corlys seems to have found a potential heir to Driftmark. It’s all about Addam and Alyn of Hull in House of the Dragon Season 2.

The two characters are illegitimate brothers. They both have the same father, and the show has solidified who their father is compared to the book.

In the book, there are suggestions that Addam and Alyn are sons of Ser Laenor Velaryon, the son of Corlys and the husband of Rhaenyra. That is unlikely as even in the book, Laenor prefers men. Instead, it’s possible that the two are sons of Corlys, and that’s why they have to remain far away from Dragonstone and Corlys. Corlys doesn’t want them to anger his wife, Rhaenys.

House of the Dragon confirms the paternity of Addam and Alyn

I didn’t take long for House of the Dragon to confirm who the brothers’ father is. Corlys is the father, and Rhaenys knows that. When Rhaenys sees Alyn and thanks him for saving Corlys’s life, she remarks on his looks and how his mother must be a beauty. She then tells Corlys that she isn’t going to punish a child for her husband’s infidelity.

So, it’s clear, she knows that Alyn is her husband’s son. It’s not clear if she knew about Addam as well. However, in House of the Dragon Season 2, Episode 6, Addam and Alyn’s discussion makes it clear that the two have the same father.

Addam wants to be acknowledged, while Alyn tries to remain in the shadows. It’s harder for Alyn since he has white hair, which he shaves. Addam would love to have that to denote his Velaryon bloodline. Instead, he has dark hair.

Seasmoke knows who Addam of Hull is

It’s clear that there is something important about Velaryon blood. Seasmoke went to Driftmark after Ser Steffon tried to ride him. Seasmoke chose his own rider, finding Addam of Hull on the shore.

It’s clear that Seasmoke knows that this man is Corlys’s son. It’s fitting that Seasmoke would choose the half-brother of his previous rider, giving Addam the thing that he wanted: recognition.