5 couples other than Claire and Jamie who are couples goals in Outlander

Of course, we know Claire and Jamie are couples goals in Outlander. What about other couples in this series? Here are five, and one may surprise you.
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ /
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Fergus and Marsali

When it comes to unconditional love, you know Fergus and Marsali have it. These two have been through so much together. When Fergus probably thought he wouldn’t find someone because of his missing hand, she looked past all of that. She wanted him for him.

We’ve watched the two grow as a couple. They’ve gone from the naïve youngsters in love and they’ve become the doting parents who will stand by each other. Marsali helped realize that Fergus needed help and gave him some tough love when he needed it. Yet, she also sought help when she realized she couldn’t do it alone.

Fergus rushed to Marsali’s side when he thought he was going to lose her. He made sure his fourth child was born without Marsali dying from being cut open. We saw that love he had for her. He can’t lose her.

We’d love to see more of them, but they won’t be in Outlander Season 7. Hopefully, there’s a chance for them to at least be in one episode before the series ends.

Jenny and Ian

Jenny and Ian Murray are definitely a couple to root for. Just like Marsali, Jenny has married Ian for love. She’s looked past his disability and focused on everything that he can do for his family. Likewise, Ian deals with Jenny’s Fraser stubbornness and loves her for who she is.

We don’t get to see too much of their love onscreen. However, it’s clear that their love means standing up for each other’s families. Look at everything Ian puts himself through to protect Jamie. Jenny doesn’t even blame Jamie for Ian constantly being taken away.

The two are a team when it comes to life and running Lallybroch. They are a team when it comes to raising their children. It’s going to be bittersweet seeing them in Outlander Season 7B considering what we know from the books.