Christmas 2023: 5 best Outlander episodes to watch

Do you have some time to yourself while the kids play with their Christmas gifts? These are the five Outlander episodes you'll want to watch.
Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy of STARZ /
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Outlander isn’t known for its Christmasy themes, but there are still some great episodes to watch this time of year. It’s time to take just an hour to yourself and immerse yourself back into the world of Claire and Jamie.

We’ve done these types of lists before. There are some great episodes from earlier seasons, but there have been new episodes since then. Could episodes from Seasons 6 and 7 make it to our list? Let’s take a look, shall we?

Of course, any episode of Outlander is great. There’s nothing stopping you from putting on your favorite and having fun. However, here are five that stand out for Christmas.

5. Freedom & Whisky (Season 3, Episode 5)

Let’s start with the episode that is set at Christmastime. Claire has found out that Jamie is still alive. On top of that, Roger has found out where he likely is in the 1760s. It’s time for Claire to go back to the man she loves the most, and her daughter, Bree, has given her mom her blessing.

We get to see a moment where Claire, Bree, and Roger are opening gifts under the tree. They are discussing the need for gems, the bat dress that Claire has made (I still love that!), and memories of the past. There is a bittersweetness to it, but as fans, we’re just ready to see Claire and Jamie back together.