Are Outlander fan events really worth it?

Are you looking at attending an Outlander fan event in 2024? Are they going to be worth your time?
Outlander Season 3 -- Courtesy of Nick Briggs/STARZ
Outlander Season 3 -- Courtesy of Nick Briggs/STARZ

There are a lot of fan events out there. Outlander fan events bring fans together with cast members, but are they really worth your money.

This really depends on what you want to gain from the events. It also depends on which Outlander fan events you go to.

For example, events like Sasnak City and Land Con are small events. They have a limited number of tickets based on the number of seats in the panel rooms and timings of everything happening. They are fandom specific, too.

Then you have events like NYCC or SDCC. You could meet some Outlander actors, but you’re not guaranteed this. There may be panels for the show, but again, there’s no guarantee. These are multi-fan events with a lot of people there.

Small events give you a chance to meet other Outlander fans

NYCC and other big events are certainly worth it if you want more than just one show. I love them because I can hear from my favorite authors, and there are panels for different shows and topics. One of my favorites was one year at NYCC when I listened to a panel all about female main characters in literature, especially fantasy.

With the smaller events, there is more focus on meeting other likeminded fans. You’re encouraged to mingle with people, and the events that I’ve been to include some warm and welcoming people. I went to my first Sasnak City all alone and now have a group of friends I love to keep in touch with.

If that’s what you’re wanting from events, they’re certainly worth it. You will find a chosen family. However, this can be too much for some people. If you’re very introverted and don’t like to make a lot of small talk or get to know a lot of new people, these events may not work for you. And that’s ok!

Bigger events have more panels and more opportunities

One of the things I’ve found with the smaller events is that there is a lot of sitting around. Sure, there are some panels each day and there are autograph sessions and photo ops, but there is also a lot of downtime. This is great for mingling, but it’s not for everyone.

Multi-con events like NYCC can work out for a lot of people. While there is a lot of noise and there are a lot of people, there is also a lot to do. The vendors floors are huge, ensuring that there is something for everyone whether you want a comic or you’re looking for wood crafts.

Then there are the multiple panels, photo ops, autograph sessions, and more. You’ll get the opportunity to meet with the celebrities that you want. Yes, I’ve been to ones where some have canceled, but when they are there, they are amazing to meet. My favorite is David Tennant, by far!

Meet and Greets are a great opportunity to learn about the celebs

There is one thing that the smaller Outlander fan events have that bigger ones can’t really offer all that much. It’s the Meet and Greets. It can be hard to get a ticket to one, but these events are a great way to learn more about celebrities. While there are topics off limits, there will always be some celebrities who share anyway.

You’ll get to hear about things that they don’t share in panels or in interviews. They also have an interest in their fans, getting some conversations going. In many cases, these Meet and Greets end with selfies, giving you a great memory at the end.

If you have just one celeb that you want to meet, the events could be just for you. However, keep in mind that schedules can change and the celebs may need to cancel.

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