Outlander spoils its own cliffhanger showing that Claire will survive

We knew Claire was likely to survive in the Outlander season 7 finale, but the show has managed to spoil it with a new image.
Outlander season 7
Outlander season 7

Outlander season 7, episode 15 left us with a major cliffhanger. Claire’s life was on the line. And now the series has managed to spoil the ending.

It’s funny when shows spoil storylines by themselves. This has happened a few times with Outlander, and it’s not actually the show’s fault. It’s the marketing decisions made by STARZ. I don’t understand the marketing decisions, but it’s not my network, so I’ll leave STARZ be for now.

What we do know is that Claire is going to make it through surgery in the Outlander season 7 finale. TVLine has told us that with an image from the episode.

Claire will survive in the Outlander season 7 finale

The end of episode 15 saw Claire shot in the abdomen, leaving her bleeding out. The surgeon in the church said that she was a lost cause, but Claire knew better. As she faced death, she told everyone to get Denny. He would be able to perform the surgery needed to save Claire.

The question for all of us was whether Denny would succeed. Sure enough, it looks like he did. TVLine has an image of Claire sitting up in the hospital bed with Lord John Grey seated by her side and Jamie Fraser standing with them.

While I don’t think it was that much of a secret that Claire would survive—unless you’re Game of Thrones, you don’t kill off your leads!—I do think that STARZ should have kept this as more of a surprise.

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What’s to come in the Outlander season 7 finale

Of course, there is still a lot happening within the world of Outlander in the finale episode. Jamie Fraser resigned his commission in a dramatic fashion to stay by his wife’s side, and we’re sure George Washington isn’t just going to accept it. While being a general did work in Jamie’s favor, there is usually a time and place for a general to resign their commission. That’s not in the middle of a battle.

With Lord John Grey in the picture, it’s clear that more is to come with that storyline. John and Jamie are not on good terms right now. That’s not surprising when John didn’t just admit to sleeping with Claire—he told Jamie that he was thinking of him. Uh oh!

We also know that William has to find somewhere safe for Frances to go and to find a way to save Jane. Well, as angry as he is at John and Jamie right now, these two are his best choices when it comes to asking for help.

Outlander season 7 finale airs on Friday, Jan. 17 on STARZ.

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