Outlander Book Club: Besieged Section 4 breakdown

Lord John Grey gets some answers from Benedicta in Besieged Section 4. Here's our breakdown of the chapter.
Courtesy: Starz
Courtesy: Starz

Lord John Grey doesn’t get much time to relax in Besieged Section 4. It’s time to break down the chapter.

This section is a continuation from the last one. Benedicta has asked “Has it come to that already?” and now John is confused. How does Benedicta know what is coming? Did General Stanley tell her something?

Well, he did, but this isn’t what she was expecting. There is something else on the horizon in Havana.

Breaking down Besieged Section 4

This section focuses on Benedicta, as she updates John on everything that’s happened so far. John also updates Benedicta on General Stanley, who is suspects has something other than gout that is keeping him away. I’ll be honest and say that I was intrigued by this, but it’s only thinking about it again now that it really bugs me. Once I move on with the story, this thought process is all but forgotten.

Benedicta shares that Olivia and the children are out in the country. So, John needs to get Rodrigo and Azeel out there to get them back without worrying anyone. Benedicta writes quickly, and I just love that she gets it all done by herself. She doesn’t ask for help with fetching water for the ink to mix. She is a woman who is capable and smart, and it’s where Hal and John certainly get it all from.

She also informs John that Malcolm spends his time between three locations. This does sound about normal for a diplomat, but it means that John now needs to find him to get him out of the country quickly and safely.

So, what did Benedicta mean by “Has it come to that already?” Benedicta knew that the English and Spanish were likely to go to war, but it’s not that. It’s another slave revolt. That is the last thing that John needs, but he will be there to see it through if he must. I don’t think he ever expected to deal with this again, especially not so soon.

Could this chapter be used in a TV adaptation?

If there was a Lord John Grey series, I could see this section being used. It would make sense to help explain where everyone is. It’s also on the necessary side to add some drama to the story. We can’t have John finding his family too easy, can we? We need an adventure for him to go on.

So, I’d fully expect to see this section used. I would love to see Benedicta brought to life in a TV series. She is so funny in the novellas. I adore her whenever she pops up, because I can see Hal and John in her so much. A show would have to get the actress just right, though.

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