There isn't a new episode of Outlander on tonight (and here's why)

With the way the previous episode of Outlander ended, there's no doubt that you need more. There isn't a new episode on STARZ tonight, Friday, Jan. 24.
Courtesy: Starz
Courtesy: Starz

We would love nothing more to get some answers from the big reveal at the end of the previous episode of Outlander. There is a lot of bad news right now.

The first bit of bad news is that there isn’t a new episode of Outlander on STARZ tonight, Friday, Jan. 24. This includes both the STARZ App and the Channel, meaning that those on Central and further West won’t get a new episode tonight, Thursday, Jan. 23.

Why isn’t there a new episode of Outlander tonight?

The lack of new episode shouldn’t be too surprising to fans. You see, the previous episode was the season finale. Yes, it came off the back of a one-week break, but that’s something we’ve become used to when it comes to STARZ shows.

The Outlander season 7 finale certainly left us with a lot of questions. The biggest surrounds the Faith reveal. Did Claire and Jamie’s daughter actually survive? Why would Mother Hildegard keep that from Claire? Why would Master Raymond do something like that?

If Faith isn’t the same Faith to Claire and Jamie, how did she know a song from 1907 to sing to her daughters? This would suggest that it has to be Faith, unless there is something more convoluted in the explanation.

Of course, there are also questions about Brianna and Roger. Now that the two have been reunited in 1739, where (or more like when) will they go next? And what’s going to happen to Buck?

When will Outlander return with new episodes?

Of course, fans now want to know when the series will return. Outlander season 8 is happening, but we’re not expecting to see episodes air this year. Instead, STARZ is set to bring Outlander: Blood of My Blood in summer 2025.

It doesn’t make sense for STARZ to bring Outlander season 8 in the same year considering it’s the final season. STARZ will want to keep subscribers for as long as possible, so this pushes the final season of the time traveling drama into 2026.

We’ll be sure to keep an eye on the return of the show. With some hope, it won’t be too long of a final Droughtlander.

Outlander is available to stream on STARZ.

Stay up to date with the latest Outlander news with Claire and Jamie.