It’s International Women’s Day, and that means a chance to celebrate the important women in our lives. For some, that’s the important and inspirational women in Outlander.
We’ve looked at inspirational women in the past. This time, we want to look at the most powerful moments for the women of Outlander. What have they done that the men of Outlander have failed to—either out of choice or because they didn’t have a chance to? There are seven standout moments throughout the series.
Marsali ensuring Lionel Brown wouldn’t hurt anyone again in Outlander season 5
In the Outlander season 5 finale, Lionel Brown knocked out Marsali and took Claire. It was a traumatic experience for Claire, but it Marsali who owned the powerful moment. After Lionel was brought back alive for Jamie to figure out how to handle, Marsali decided to take matters into her own hands.
She was able lethally inject Lionel, killing him on the spot. She even made it clear to him what she was doing to him, so he knew that he was powerless in the situation.
While the books did give this moment to Mrs. Bug, I’m so glad it was Marsali in the TV series. Marsali felt like she needed to take her power back after Lionel and his men knocked her out. She is also fiercely protective of the people she loves, and of course, she was going to act in a time of need. The worries of her going to hell afterward were a beautiful touch.

Brianna taking Bonnet’s life in Outlander season 5
During the fifth season of the series, Brianna faced her rapist. Bonnet kidnapped her, intending to take Bree’s child and pretend that they were a family. He had found out that Brianna came from money and that Jemmy would inherit that money. Of course he wanted it.
Well, Brianna was able to win in the end. After Bonnet was arrested, he was sentenced to execution by drowning. It was Bonnet’s worst fear, and Bree knew that. So, rather than have him suffer, she shot him. This was a powerful moment, as it allowed Brianna to take her own power back while showing a little bit of compassion.
We’ll never know the real reason Brianna did this, and that’s okay! Only she gets to know, and that’s if she even really does know.
MORE: 7 most inspirational women in Outlander
Mary MacNab protecting the Murray family in Outlander season 3
At the start of Outlander season 3, we got to see what happened after the events of Culloden. That included how firearms were banned. Of course, Fergus got his hands on a pistol and decided to fire it. Some of them wouldn’t have known just how loud that shot was going to be, and it attracted the British Army nearby.
Mary MacNab stepped in to help. She claimed the gun as her own and handed it over. Her actions could have led to her being taken away, and she knew that. Instead, they led to her keeping the whole Murray family save.
Mary was always grateful for the life that the Murrays had given her. She stayed loyal to them all the way to the end, and we got to see what she would do. We got to see her quick thinking and sacrifice in Outlander.

Jenny showing off her hunting skills in Outlander season 1
Claire wanted to find Jamie after he was taken by The Watch. Jenny knew that her new sister-in-law didn’t have the skills, but she did. And so, the two women headed out on the hunt. We got to see Jenny’s hunting skills.
It’s easy to overlook the lessons that Brian would have taught his daughter. Sure enough, women back them would have learned how to cook and clean. They were taught to be wives and mothers. At the same time, Jenny was the only child to remain at home. Brian would have needed to teach her hunting skills. We got to see all of that in the hunt for Jamie.
Claire would never have found Jamie had it not been for Jenny. This should have been a clear sign that Claire could trust her with the secret of her time traveling abilities.

When Geillis sacrificed herself in Outlander season 1
There is a lot wrong with Geillis in the series, but she is also a strong-willed and powerful woman. During the first season, she showed the power that she had to be able to save Claire. This wasn’t the task that she came to the past to do, and it’s a moment where she does become an inspiration.
During the witch trial, Ned Gowan notes that only Geillis was the one that was taken. If she sacrifices herself, Claire could be saved. Geillis doesn’t want to do that, but she realizes that she has no choice. She knows that Claire is also from the future with her, and she uses this chance to show that. She tells Claire 1968 before announcing that she is a witch and that she’s pregnant.
This was a huge moment. Geillis knew what this meant for herself, and what it could mean for her unborn child. Again, the aftermath isn’t quite as powerful, but she had no idea that Dougal would eventually save her.
Malva choosing to tell Claire the truth in Outlander season 6
I often feel sorry for Malva Christie. There were certainly some problems with her character and she wasn’t fully good, but she was raised in a terrible situation. This was a woman of abuse and rape. She felt like she had to lie to protect herself and her brother, Allan.
However, in the end, she couldn’t lie anymore. Malva had to tell Claire the truth, and that’s where she was going at the time of her death. She was going to share the truth about Allan and the baby. Whether she would have said all of it is unknown, but the intention was there, and it was clear that Allan worried that she would say all.
And so, we get the moment Allan murdered Malva. He didn’t just take the life of his sister, but also his unborn child. Poor Malva. While she didn’t get the chance to tell Claire, the intention was there, and that makes it a powerful moment.

Claire becoming a doctor while also being a mother in Outlander season 3
In the 1950s, the majority of women were mothers and housewives. They didn’t look for a job unless they had to, and then they would be secretaries, waitresses, and maybe nurses in the hospital. Claire wanted more for herself. After experiencing life as a nurse, she wanted to grow as a doctor, and she ended up becoming one of the first females to go to Harvard.
It was an empowering moment. Claire was completely breaking down the status quo. She was making it clear that she deserved more in life, and that she was willing to put the work in to make it possible. There were so many against her, and yet, she became the doctor to look to be and she earned the respect of the men in her class.
Without this moment, Claire wouldn’t have become the doctor and surgeon she has been the last few seasons. She’s been able to make penicillin and save countless lives. She is the woman we should all strive to be.
Outlander is available to stream on STARZ.
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