5 major takeaways from the Outlander season 7, episode 10 promo and synopsis

Outlander season 7, episode 10 sees Claire and Young Ian arrive in Philadelphia while Jamie remains in Scotland. Take a look at what to expect in the new episode.
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Starz
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Starz

There is still a lot to take in from the Outlander season 7B premiere, but the promo and synopsis for the next episode are out. They give us some ideas of what to expect in Outlander season 7, episode 10.

Claire and Jamie are now separated by an ocean. Meanwhile, Roger comes across a woman he never expected to meet. And we can’t overlook William with the pistol. It’s time to break down everything that we see in the Outlander season 7, episode 10 promo and synopsis to get ready for a big episode.

Take a look at the Outlander season 7, episode 10 promo and synopsis before we get into the top moments from them:

“Claire and Ian arrive in Philadelphia to help the ailing Henry Grey; Roger and Buck receive an unexpected clue in their search for Jemmy.”

Who are the five husbands?

Roger notes to Buck that Geillis has killed five husbands. I think there’s a bit of hyperbole in this. I can think of three husbands we know Geillis has killed: one in 1968, Arthur Duncan, and Mr. Abernathy. Has she killed others?

Roger just wants to make it clear to Buck that Geillis is a dangerous woman. This is Buck’s mom, but it doesn’t look like he’s going to share this with Buck just yet. That’s going to complicate a few things. Roger needs to get Buck healthy again, and Geillis is their only option at this point.

Jamie is staying in Scotland for some time

Jamie and Ian will get some time together in the new episode. The promo starts with Jamie telling Ian that he thinks of Ian as a brother. The feeling is mutual; we all know that.

Jamie isn’t going anywhere just yet. While his heart is in America right now, he knows that he’s needed in Scotland. He will stick around for as long as Ian needs him. In other words, he’s going to be there until Ian passes away from his illness. Jenny will need him too.

Outlander - Season 7 2024
Outlander season 7 part 2 on Starz

William shoots someone

The end of the Outlander season 7, episode 10 promo tells us that someone is facing William’s wrath. With Young Ian back in America and a quick glimpse of Rachel running, is it possible that Young Ian is on the wrong side of that pistol? Is William willing to kill to win Rachel? Surely he knows that wouldn’t work.

Well, book readers know what to expect. It’s just fun to speculate what we know from this promo. After all, we know that the loyalists have control of Philadelphia, and that could put Claire, Rachel, and Young Ian in danger.

Claire wants to help someone else

Claire has come to Philadelphia to help Lord John Grey’s nephew. However, there is another person Claire seems to want to help. She asks a woman “are you in danger?” and this could link to the Revolutionary War.

In the letter to Claire, Lord John wrote that Henry is staying with a Mrs. Woodcock. That name should ring some bells. There was a Walter Woodcock who Claire met. There’s never a name thrown in for the sake of it. Walter was a rebel and we can assume Mrs. Woodcock is a rebel. Considering Philadelphia is under loyalist control, Claire could worry that Mrs. Woodcock is in trouble and needs to get out of the city.

Outlander - Season 7 2024
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Starz

Lord John Grey’s bad news

Lord John Grey is about to deliver some bad news. We know from the promo for Outlander season 7B that this is in the same scene when Claire tells John that she would know if Jamie’s heart has stopped. This suggests that John is about to get some news from Scotland.

Claire knows that Ian is close to death. Consumption is going to take him, so it would seem odd that John is distraught over sharing this news. It means that something may have happened to Jamie while he’s in Scotland. Get ready for your heart to be ripped out!

Outlander airs on Fridays on STARZ.

Stay up to date with the latest Outlander news and more with Claire and Jamie.