Outlander Book Club: A Plague of Zombies Section 8 breakdown

The governor is indisposed in A Plague of Zombies Section 8. Here's our breakdown of the chapter.
Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ

We get a bit of a shorter section in A Plague of Zombies Section 8. There’s still plenty going on.

This section is focused on the plot and things to do next. Lord John Grey wants to speak with the governor, but that’s not going to be possible right now. The governor is indisposed. What does this mean? It’s clear that this is setting up a story for the next part of this novella.

Instead, Lord John Grey realizes that the investigation needs to head to one plantation in particular. It’s time to head to the Twelvetrees plantation.

Breaking down A Plague of Zombies Section 8

Lord John Grey understandably wants to talk with the governor. He needs to make sure the governor is aware of everything that is going on and get some sort of idea about who could want him dead, but that’s not going to be possible right now. The governor is indisposed.

John and others are initially suspicious of Dawes. The man shows no sign of suspicion, but are we convinced that he doesn’t have something to do with the governor acting rather erratic lately?

So the focus now has to be on investigating outside of the house. It’s time to head to the plantation, which Fettes and Cherry are happy to do. They are ready to dive into this investigation, because it gives them some sort of action—just something to do instead of sitting around discussing things.

John needs 12 men to go to the Twelvetrees plantation. This is a funny number, but it shows that John is ready for any funny business there. After all, there is a long feud between the Greys and the Twelvetrees. Which side is this part of the family going to be on?

Could this chapter be used in a TV series adaptation?

This is another chapter that would need to be used in an adaptation if A Plague of Zombies was every turned into a TV series. This continues the main plot to do with the zombies and the murder attempt. It also brings us a lot of foreshadowing in the governor’s behavior and the hope of some drama between John Grey and the Twelvetrees family again. I just love how they keep coming up!

Not a lot of this is internalized. There’s that moment of John suspecting Dawes for a bit, but that can all be done with looks and camera shots. We would all suspect Dawes considering he is so close to the governor.

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