3 best Jamie moments in Outlander season 7, episode 12

Jamie Fraser is alive, and now he's learned the truth about Claire and John. Here's a look back at Jamie's best moments from Outlander season 7, episode 12.
Outlander season 7
Outlander season 7

Jamie Fraser wasted no time in getting stuck into the drama in Outlander season 7, episode 12. It’s time to look back at his best moments.

Now, this episode was hard to watch. John and Jamie’s relationship has been broken considerably. If you thought that them fighting on the opposite side of a war was bad enough, now Jamie has almost killed John in a fit of rage.

It’s not surprising that Jamie was so angry. John made the idiotic decision to tell Jamie everything, and in such a brash and clearly hurtful way. Jamie is a man of his time, and he has always admitted to being a violent man. It’s no wonder that he lashed out in the way that he did. It certainly wasn’t one of his best moments, but he did have some big ones throughout the episode.

Not initially believing Lord John Grey

I will start with just before Lord John Grey tells Jamie everything in Outlander season 7, episode 12. Jamie didn’t initially believe the man. There was this smile on his face, as if he thought John was trying to make Jamie feel better for everything that had happened. It was like it was some sort of joke, because Jamie knows John’s sexuality.

That’s where it all turned. As Jamie started to believe John’s words, you could see his demeanor change. And at first, he could have probably dealt with the truth. John’s delivery of who he and Claire were thinking of in that moment is what sent Jamie over the edge.

A reunion with George Washington

After delivering letters to Daniel Morgan, Jamie got an audience with a very important member of the Rebel Army. He found himself in front of George Washington.

This was a great moment, and you could see that Jamie was proud and honored in this moment. In fact, he didn’t hesitate when it came to accepting the position of leading a battalion. However, my favorite moment was that reminder that they have met before. Jamie knew how important George Washington would end up being, but Washington had no idea who Jamie was at the time. The two were able to bond over the “god-awful play.” I do wish the mention of Claire doing surgery was brought up.

Reuniting with Claire in Outlander

Of course, we were waiting for Jamie and Claire to reunite. We had to see that passionate love making, and we got it at the very end. However, it didn’t come without an important discussion. Jamie was angry at Claire and John for sleeping together, while Claire was angry that Jamie seemed to hold a double standard when it came to being with someone else.

In the end, they came to an understanding. They needed to air it all out, and it made the moment of them on the table all the more powerful and intimate.

Outlander airs on Fridays on STARZ.

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