3 best Brianna moments in the Outlander season 7 finale

The Outlander season 7 finale brought some memorable moments. Here's a look back at Brianna's best moments from the entire episode.

Outlander season 7
Outlander season 7

Brianna, Jem, and Mandy made it back to 1739 in the Outlander season 7 finale. It’s time to look back at Bree’s top moments from the episode.

As claireandjamie.com shared, at the end of the penultimate episode of the season, Bree and Jemmy had to race toward Mandy as she ran through the stones to Roger. It didn’t take too long to find out that they were all safe and made it to Lallybroch. This was just as Roger and Buck were leaving, getting Buck to the stones to go find Brianna.

It all worked out, and now the MacKenzies will need to figure out what to do next. When will they travel to? Before we do that, let’s look back at Brianna’s best moments from the Outlander season 7 finale.

Inviting Buck in for a hug

I felt for Buck when Roger rushed toward his family. It was clear that Buck missed his own, and there was a bittersweetness to it. Brianna didn’t leave Buck to one side, though. She motioned for him to join in with the hug.

I adore that Brianna has welcomed Buck into her family. She can see that he is a good man—despite everything that happened to Roger at the Battle of Alamance. It’s funny considering how against helping Wendigo she was, but I guess Buck has redeemed himself by being there for Roger when the family needed him.

Thanking Brian for his generosity

The episode brought us the meeting that we needed. Brianna met her namesake, and there was a beautiful moment as Bree hid who she really was to him. I loved the comments about how much Bree looked like Ellen MacKenzie. Brian was swept off his feet.

Brianna was coy but also respectful. She was just grateful that Brian Fraser turned out to be the man she heard so much good about. She was able to share her love for him without him realizing just what she was truly meaning. His generosity really will be told to her family for generations.

Catching Roger up on everything

Roger and Brianna now need to figure out where they will go. Brianna made sure to catch Roger up on everything that had happened, and she also pointed out that 1980 isn’t necessarily a safe time. Rob Cameron is still out there, and he will stop at nothing to get that gold.

Brianna knows that there is only one option when it comes to safety. She doesn’t say it outright, making it clear that Roger also needs to agree with her. It’s time to go to 1778.

Outlander is available to stream on STARZ.

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