Outlander Book Club: A Plague of Zombies Section 14 breakdown

Lord John Grey learns what happened to the governor in A Plague of Zombies Section 14. Here's our breakdown of the chapter.
Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ

It doesn’t take long to find out what Major Fettes was so upset about in A Plague of Zombies Section 14. Lord John Grey finds out the governor has died.

Well, the governor has been murdered, and it looks like he’s been eaten as well. Lord John Grey needs to get to the bottom of the full investigation, sure that this has something to do with the rebellion. The problem is he’s running into hurdles every step of the way.

Breaking down A Plague of Zombies Section 14

Lord John Grey goes to see the governor’s body after learning that he’s been killed. Not only has the governor been killed, but it also looks like he’s been partially eaten as well. It’s no wonder that Fettes was so out of character in the previous episode.

The question for John is where are the guards? They were supposed to be watching the governor, and now they have all disappeared. This is suspicious.

When John asks Tom about the things the servants have said, Tom explains that the servants are scared of the maroons. This certainly puts the suspicion back on them, but it also makes it harder for John to do his job. However, Tom can still be useful. He’ll help John examine the governor’s body.

John also asks Fettes about the judge. It turns out the judge is away in Eleuthera. This is making the investigation even harder. Everyone who could say something about the maroons is gone. The judge is away, Cresswell is missing, and now the governor is dead. What is going on? We know that John will work it out, but it’s not going to be easy.

Could this chapter be used in a TV adaptation?

The chapter has to be used if A Plague of Zombies was ever adapted. This continues the main plot of the murders and the investigation into the maroons. It’s clear that there is something bigger going on, and it’s got nothing to do with zombies. However, there are questions about why someone would eat the governor’s body.

This is also important to catch us up on the maroon situation. The servants are scared and everyone people wanted to talk to are gone. Someone doesn’t want the information getting out, and they are willing to kill for it.

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