Claire brings life into a baby in Outlander Book 9, Chapter 54
Claire and Jamie are awoken in the middle of the night in Outlander Book 9, Chapter 54. It leads to Claire asking about the color of her hair.
This chapter involves an emergency in the middle of the night. A woman is giving birth and Claire is needed for it. It’s a great thing that she’s there as she’s able to bring back life to a child.
One of the babies is stillborn, but Claire decides to test out her abilities. Can she bring this baby back to life with the blue light? Is it possible?
This chapter is more of the outcome from some foreshadowing earlier in the book. It goes back to when she was able to heal Roger just a little bit more.
I do think that this chapter will be used in the TV series. We’ve already had the mention that she’ll come into her full powers when her hair turns while. We need to see all of that play out in the final season to bring that part of the story to a close.
Let’s dive into Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone Chapter 54.