The Kingdom 2023 vendors: Meet The Parisian Gypsy

The Parisian Gypsy at The Kingdom 2023 -- Courtesy of Alexandria Ingham
The Parisian Gypsy at The Kingdom 2023 -- Courtesy of Alexandria Ingham

The Parisian Gypsy was one of the vendors at The Kingdom 2023 and could be at future events. Meet the woman behind the brand in this exclusive interview.

Vendors are part of Sasnak City events. There are always different types of vendors, whether you’re into clothing items, wooden keepsakes, or candles. The Parisian Gypsy was just one of the vendors at The Kingdom 2023.

The store has certainly grown from the original intention behind it. That’s the way some of the best things work in life, though, right? A passion develops into something bigger.

We sat down to talk about how the store got started, the move into The Last Kingdom themed items, and the chances of Outlander items to come. Also, how did The Parisian Gypsy and Sasnak City end up coming together for an event?

The Parisian Gypsy talks the start of the journey and conventions

Claire and Jamie: Let’s start with how The Parisian Gypsy started. What led to this?

The Parisian Gypsy: I don’t have kids and I was needing something to do. I work full time but it needed something to get out of the house and meet new people, so that’s what it did to start. I didn’t mean for it to be this. I was going to sell like Parisian soaps, French things, but it took an off into another direction?

I was at a wholesale trade show in Las Vegas and I saw these people selling sage but I didn’t know what it was. So I took a picture of it, got some information, and went home. I researched it and started selling a few. And then just more and more and more.

In a normal show, I have like 20 to 30 varieties of sage that I sell. Then that got me doing metaphysical shows and mystic shows.

C&J: It’s so great how things can grow and makes us happy.

TPG: It’s been great. I meet the best people.

C&J: You have a few fandom related things here. Is that just based on the event now, or were yo already adding The Last Kingdom items to the store?

TPG: I met Christina [one of the Sasnak City staff members] at a mystic show and she asked me if I would be interested in doing The Last Kingdom and Outlander. I’d never heard of them, so I wrote it down, went home, and started watching. I’ve watched The Last Kingdom probably 20 times. It’s an obsession now.

The war hammer-type stuff was good for the biking needs, so I did order from more specific biking stores for this event.

C&J: There are always fans out there and Thor’s hammer is a popular item thanks to The Last Kingdom and VikingTok!

TPG: Yes, and at mystic shows, I’ll have a couple of pieces and men especially will ask me for specific things. Not I’ve gotten more, so hopefully, it’s what they’re looking for.

C&J: Is this your first Sasnak City convention?

TPG: This is the second time doing The Last Kingdom. I couldn’t do The Gathering because I had something else at the time. Hopefully, this year. I’ve watched Outlander and even went to Scotland and Ireland in June and took an Outlander tour.

C&J: I can’t wait to see what you have in an Outlander theme.

Next. The Kingdom 2024: Which ticket package is right for you?. dark

Check out The Parisian Gypsy to see all the items available to buy.