Outlander Book Club: Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone Chapter 39 breakdown

Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
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Outlander Season 4 — Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ
Outlander Season 4 — Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ

Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter

The chapter doesn’t really foreshadow anything. What I do see is the story setting up a plot for John. After all, he’s just in Savannah helping with a baby right now. He needs something more exciting to do. This is going to lead to that as he goes on the hunt for Denny.

Adapting the Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone chapter

The chapter is unlikely to be used in the TV series. We haven’t seen much of John’s storylines from the seventh book so far in the series. I doubt the series will suddenly start adding things in during the final season. After all, there are only 10 episodes to Outlander Season 8.

The only way I see this being used is if it ends up being some sort of connection to the bigger storyline involving William and Captain Richardson.

What did you spot while reading Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone Chapter 39? Let us know in comments on Facebook or Twitter.

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