5 items to bring with you to The Kingdom 2023

The Last Kingdom Season 4 -- Courtesy of Netflix
The Last Kingdom Season 4 -- Courtesy of Netflix /

The Kingdom 2023 is just around the corner. Is this your first Sasnak City convention? Here are five items you’ll want to bring with you.

If you haven’t been to a Sasnak City convention before, you are in for a wild ride. If you have, you know all about the friends that you’ll make and the fun that you will have. There is a lot going on throughout the weekend, and you’ll want to be as prepared as possible.

So, what do you need to bring with you? After attending a few of these events and other conventions, there are certain items that I will always take with me. Here are my five top items I think you’ll want.

5 items to take to The Kingdom 2023

Have a sweater, shawl, or something similar

The event takes place in the World War I museum. This is something to keep in mind when you’re at the event. Everything is inside in an air conditioned building. There are a lot of bodies in one place, though, so it can make some of the areas warm. Other areas are on the colder side.

I find I need a sweater or something in the auditorium where the panels take place. Some of the Meet & Greet rooms can also be on the chilly side, and the area were the vendors are also tends to run a little cold—and you’ll be there to line up for photo ops.

You’ll want something to cover your shoulders.

Take a water bottle and snacks

You don’t need to buy water or drinks while you’re there if you don’t want. A lot of people have their own water bottle that they can fill up on the go. There are stations to fill up your water, so you don’t need to worry about that.

There may be some mugs and bottles on sale at The Kingdom 2023 at some of the vendors. Don’t rely on this, though. The good thing about the Sasnak City conventions is that Downtown Kansas City isn’t too far away so you can always head out to buy something. There’s also the gift shop in the museum.

There is tea and coffee also available throughout the event. This is completely free to grab, so if you do forget your water bottle, don’t panic too much. It’s just good to have one as moving around the lounge area can be a little tricky at times.

I don’t go anywhere without snacks! The days are long at The Kingdom 2023, so you want to be prepared for them.

You will get lunch during the day. If you got your ticket early, your lunch orders had to be in Aug. 18. However, if you get your ticket after that day, you’ll be able to place an order. If you missed out, there are places to get lunch in the museum.

The rest of the time, you’ll want to get some snacks. You can buy things from the museum, but I recommend getting something from Downtown Kansas City to keep some of the costs down. I make sure I have snacks filled with protein and fiber to keep me going, but I also have sweet, sugary snacks for in the afternoon!

Have a good breakfast before you go, and make sure you eat in the evening! The Saturday evening has a party, and you’ll want to be well fueled for that. You’ll make lots of friends while at the event, so there will be someone to go eat with if you’re worried about eating alone.

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Have portable phone chargers

When I’m at The Kingdom 2023, I’m there to work, so I do use my phone a lot. It means I need two portable phone chargers to make sure I have enough battery power throughout the day.

It’s something I’d recommend to anyone, though. There are always opportunities for quick photos, whether it’s selfies with the guests during the Meet & Greets, surprise selfie ops that pop up, or photos with friends.

You want to make this event a pleasant memory. The last thing you want is to look through your photos and wish that your battery had lasted for just another hour. Have a portable charger instead.

Have a small first aid kit

Take some band aids, blister cream, hand cream, lip balm, and other emergency supplies with you. You just never know what could happen during The Kingdom 2023.

I will say to wear comfortable shoes and clothes. While there are some great moments to get dressed up during the Friday and Saturday night events, during the day, you’ll want to be as comfortable as possible. Sneakers and flip flops are great shoes to wear. Leggings and T-shirts are perfect clothes.

But blisters happen even with shoes that you’ve worn before. I know because I got them from walking around Disney World because I put the wrong socks on with my shoes! Always have some band aids with you, and just have a small first aid kit.

You could also have a sewing kit with you. You may snag a small hole in your clothes, and a sewing kit will be perfect. You can also take your deodrant and a few other self-care items to get you through the long days.

Have a folder for all your photos

You’ll get printed photos during your photo ops. They come loose, so you need to find a way to keep them together and protect them from being bent. Now, your welcome bags do tend to have a brown envelope with everything you need in there, but I’d recommend taking a folder of some sort. Just a small brown folder will be enough.

This is great for organizing everything. You can print out your receipts from any Meet and Greets and photo ops you purchased so you have everything at a glance. You can print out the schedule so that you have it on hand throughout the day. And yes, this is the place to put your photos from the ops.

Try to make sure it’s sturdy for in your bag. I have a laptop backpack as I work these events, but not everyone will have that. Look at what type of bag you’re taking and make sure it’s big enough to put your photos in without them getting bent.

Next. The Kingdom 2023 guest line up. dark

The Kingdom 2023 takes place from Aug. 31 to Sept. 3.