Arch Bug made a surprise return at the end of Outlander Season 7, Episode 8. He spoke to Rachel Hunter, but was there a threat in there?
We know Arch Bug is a threat. He made it clear to Young Ian that he would get revenge. It would be when Ian least expects it, though. You see, Arch doesn’t plan on killing Young Ian but killing someone Young Ian loves. That’s the way for Ian to feel the same pain that Arch feels.
It’s clear that Arch has wanted to follow through with that promise. He’s traveled from Fraser’s Ridge to just outside of Fort Ticonderoga, staying out of the war but keeping an eye on Young Ian. He was there when Rachel walked Rollo around a forest area.
Will Arch kill Rachel in Outlander?
Rollo didn’t notice that Arch is now a threat. That’s not surprising as Arch’s threat was quiet. Rollo has spent the last few years seeing Young Ian and Jamie trust Arch Bug, so he would too. Rachel noted that Rollo likes Arch, not realizing that the two know each other.
Right now, it seems like Rachel is safe. Arch noted that Young Ian must love Rachel to leave Rollo with her, but he didn’t threaten her in any way. He seemed like a kind man. However, we know Arch is sure to keep an eye on things.
He’ll want to wait until Ian returns from Scotland. And he’ll know that Young Ian will come back since Rollo was left behind. The only way to make sure Ian is hurt by his actions is to wait for Ian to return. Arch will need Ian to see that he’s the one who killed Rachel, otherwise, it could be blamed on anyone.
We’re sure to see this storyline come to a head at some point in Outlander Season 7B. Of course, Young Ian needs to get back from Scotland first.