Outlander Season 7 episode 2, “The Happiest Place on Earth,” certainly pulled on our heartstrings as we had a couple of goodbyes and much more happen. It’s interesting how the title of the episode juxtaposes the events that happen!
First we have the discovery of little Amanda’s heart condition which means the MacKenzie family has to go back to their time, Jamie and Lord John can no longer continue to communicate for both of their safety, and the episode ends on an explosive cliffhanger – pun intended!
There is so much that happens this episode I can’t believe it’s only the second one! We have 16 episodes to look forward to this season, but things are already moving quickly in the story. Let’s jump in to the review! As a reminder, I come to you as a show-only fan so my thoughts below reflect that.
Outlander Season 7 episode 2 review

Answers to the Malva mysteries
Of course the two biggest questions left from last season are, who is the father of Malva’s baby and who really killed Malva? Because none of us believe it was Tom Christie, even though he “confessed” in the premiere episode. The episode starts with Allan Christie sitting at Malva’s grave. He’s been staying in the woods for the last few months. Ok at first he seemed like a grieving brother and I felt bad for him even though I don’t like the Christies. But oh my god the turn his monologue takes definitely took me by surprise!
“Her skin was so fresh and soft, her wee privates like a flower bud.” Like, excuse me. What did you just say? I had to go back and listen to make sure I heard that right. This nasty, sick man was forcing himself on Malva all these years. Ugh. I knew this family was dark but this is a whole other level. We get a disturbing flashback of Allan and Malva in bed together, clearly this is being done against her will. And not only that, but the baby is actually Allan’s. I am disturbed, ya’ll. She started relationships with Ian and others on the Ridge to try and find a husband to explain the baby. But Allan then came up with the idea of saying it was Jamie’s, hoping he’d send her away with some money and Allan could go with her.
But Malva didn’t want to keep lying to Claire because she cared for her. And when she was on her way to tell Claire the truth, the possessive bastard caught up to her and killed her. He cracked when Malva said, “I don’t love you.” As he’s retelling the events to Claire, he was about to kill himself when she stopped him. I was yelling, Claire no! Why would you do that? Let him die. Thankfully, Ian overheard and shot him with an arrow. Good riddance. Claire and Young Ian secretly bury Allan, but Mrs. Bug comes across them. Thankfully though, it seems like she’s going to keep her gossiping mouth shut this time. Also, Allan does note that Tom had no idea what was happening. I have to say, props to Alexander Vlahos for delivering that monologue and getting to that sort of mindset.
I do have more sympathy for Malva after all of this is revealed. She had to do what she thought because of situations she was put in completely out of her control. First, Tom was punishing her for a mistake she didn’t even make when it comes to her biological parents. And then second, Allan, who had a sick infatuation with her. She’s been let down and been a victim because of the two closest men in her life, and it’s just sad.

Roger and Brianna go back to their time
After the Allan debacle, things start to look up at the Ridge. There’s a new baby – Amanda Claire Hope MacKenzie. Roger says the name Amanda means “she who is loved” in Latin and that’s just the sweetest. Fergus published the birth announcement, but that’s the only reference we get about him in the episode. So will we not see Fergus and Marsali this season? That would be a shame.
The grandparents have some happy moments with the new wee one. But of course in typical Outlander style, we can’t all just chill for a minute. As Claire is holding her granddaughter, she notices her fingernails have turned blue. It turns out she has a heart condition – patent ductus arteriosus – that will only get worse over time and probably means the baby won’t make it. Claire can’t fix it, but she knows a doctor who can in the present. And so, Roger and Bree know what they need to do. They’re traveling back to their time.
“I came here to save my parents but I will do anything to save our daughter. I’ll have no regrets,” Bree says to Roger. It’s a painful separation, but spoken like a true parent. They need to do what needs to be done to save their daughter’s life.
The Jamie and Bree scene was absolutely beautiful as they spent some time together with the fireflies around them before traveling to the Stones. It was so sweet and honestly what I wanted to see more of in past seasons that we unfortunately didn’t really get. Even so, I’m thankful to have at least gotten this one.
But seriously poor Jamie. Why is he destined to be separated from his children? It really is goodbye this time. Roger, Bree, and the kids make it through and go back to their time. As they said their goodbyes, it was so nice to see Roger and Jamie’s relationship come full circle when Jamie tells him he wouldn’t trust anyone else with Bree and the kids.

The Fraser siblings meet
Before Roger and Bree are able to leave, they needed to find gemstones to travel through the Stones. The family heads to Wilmington where Bree gets to meet her brother William Ransom! It must be so difficult for Bree not to say anything. William is such a gallant, handsome, young man but we definitely see hints of Jamie’s stubbornness in him! Despite Lord John’s wishes, he’s determined to fight in the war. The look on Jamie’s face when he sees both of his children interacting was priceless.
Jamie and Lord John say goodbye
I swear almost every scene with Lord John Grey tears at my heart every time. Jamie goes to visit him, and the two reiterate that William can’t know the truth about his parentage, despite Bree trying to persuade Lord John to do so. Jamie tells his friend that with the increasing tensions, their association is dangerous since they’re on opposing sides of the war. That’s when Jamie says they should sever all connection between them.
You can see the emotion on both of their faces and what this means to each each character. For Jamie, it’s heartbreaking because he’s losing a very dear friend, as well as any connection that can give him updates about his son. For Lord John, the heartbreak on his face says it all. I mean seriously, someone give this man a hug. And to top it all off of how amazing he is, Lord John kept the gem Jamie gave him all the way back in season 3 at Ardsmuir Prison. And he kept it right next to his heart. I let the waterworks go the way Jamie and John didn’t allow themselves to, guys.

Jamie and Claire melt my heart as always
At times, I feel like we forget how religious Jamie actually is. It was interesting to see how he and Claire were reacting in different ways to the news that Roger, Brianna, and the kids would have to go back to their time. Claire is thinking things through like the doctor she is, but Jamie takes a more spiritual approach and asks Claire if she wants to pray with him. It’s sweet how she does so.
Then the scene where Jamie gives Claire another gemstone he was saving and tells her she can go back with Brianna if she wanted to? Love how Claire just throws it out the window, and that’s all the answer Jamie needs. After everything and how they’ve been separated before, it won’t be happening again. Phew!
“I’m not as brave as I was before you ken? Not brave enough to live without you anymore.” Stop it Jamie. And when he comforts his wife after they say goodbye to their daughter and grandkids? Everyone go get yourself a Jamie for heaven’s sake. We don’t always see Claire get this vulnerable and she was being strong for her family as they said goodbye. But she allows herself to let all those emotions out and be comforted by Jamie. And it’s the best.
The consequences of Wendigo Donner
We end the episode on a cliffhanger, something we’ve been talking about since season 4 is the house fire that supposedly kills Jamie and Claire. That’s why Brianna traveled back in time in the first place. Ok, again Jamie and Claire aren’t going to die, right. There’s no way. I mean this poor couple, give them a break. I knew it. I knew there were going to be consequences for not helping that annoying man Wendigo Donner. This inconsiderate imbecile has the goonies he brought with him looking for a gemstone so he can go back to his time. They’re throwing things left and right, including the ether which is flammable. Then because it’s too dark he lights a match and the house explodes. NO! Their beautiful house. What is going to happen next?
Bonus shout-outs
- Somehow Jemmie knows that Mandy can hear the buzzing from being near a gemstone. Hmm.
- Bree to Jamie: “You are magical to me.” Aw!
- Jamie mentions having dreams of Claire in the future. Interesting.
- Jamie to Jemmie: “If one day you should meet a very large mouse named Michael tell him grandsire sends his regards.” Stop. that was such a lighthearted moment in a bittersweet scene.
- Lizzie and the Beardsley twins welcome a baby boy!
- I was confused why Jamie was concerned about Mr. and Mrs. Bug’s gold. What does that have to do with anything at a moment like this?
Outlander Season 7 premieres new episodes Fridays on Starz.