Was Marsali in the Outlander Season 7 premiere?

Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ /

It’s hard to tell if we’ll see all the characters we want in Outlander Season 7. Did Marsali appear during the Outlander Season 7 premiere?

When Lauren Lyle couldn’t tell us if she would be in Outlander Season 7 or not, we were left to hope that it meant she would appear. Would that be in the premiere episode, though?

The premiere focused on saving Claire from certain death. Jamie was sure that Claire hadn’t been executed yet, but time was of the essence. Sure enough, her skills as a healer came in handy, even if she is viewed as a murderess. That gave Jamie time to get to her, but it also sent him on a wild goose chase around the city of Wilmington.

As he searched Wilmington, would it mean running onto Marsali and Fergus? Would they help to find Mother Claire?

Was Marsali in the Outlander Season 7 premiere?

It’s bad news for Marsali fans. She was not in the premiere episode.

In a way, that’s not surprising. There was a lot to fit into this episode with finding and then saving Claire. Jamie interacted with two main people throughout the episode in the search for Claire: Young Ian and Tom Christie.

There could have been a mention of Jamie going to see Fergus and Marsali since they have a print shop in Wilmington, but maybe there wasn’t enough time for that. We can just believe that he would have gone to see them at some point.

We would love to see Marsali and Fergus return at some point. Printers were faced with all sorts of trouble in the colonies regardless of the side they seemed to declare for. It would be good to see that trouble through the eyes of characters we’ve come to know and love.

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