Outlander Book Club: Written in My Own Heart’s Blood Chapter 115 breakdown

Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ /
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John Bell
Outlander Season 4 — Courtesy of Aimee Spinks/STARZ /

Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter

There is some foreshadowing in this chapter, especially if you think that Rollo’s soul moved into Ian and Rachel’s future child. In the ninth book, Emily returns and she is the one to give little Oggy a name. She chooses Hunter.

She had no idea that Rachel’s maiden name is Hunter. She names the child based on the feeling she gets, and we know that Rollo was a damn good hunter.

Adapting the Written in My Own Heart’s Blood chapter

I do expect to see this chapter used in the TV series. For one, it continues Ian and Rachel’s story, and I suspect we’ll see plenty of that in Season 7 onward. The Hunters have been focused on heavily in promotion for the new season, so I suspect that we’ll continue to see them.

Then there’s the fact that this includes Rollo’s death. I love that the death comes in a natural form, and it’s something we need to see in the TV series. There has been so much death from war and violence, I think we need to see something peaceful happen. And when it comes to Rollo, we know he won’t live as long as the humans and he deserves a peaceful death.

Next. 25 most romantic moments on Outlander so far. dark

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