Outlander Book Club: Written in My Own Heart’s Blood Chapter 103 breakdown

Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander Season 4 -- Courtesy of STARZ
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Outlander Season 2 — Courtesy of STARZ

Brianna makes a plan for traveling to the stones in Outlander Book 8, Chapter 103

We’re back in 1980, and it’s almost time for Brianna and the children to go through the stones. Bree needs to get back to Roger in Outlander Book 8, Chapter 103.

I love that Bree is making a plan. This is who she is, and this time, she is doing it with more knowledge. She and Roger have had more time to think about the rules of time travel, and she also knows the dangers of it personally and not just from what other people have said.

I also love that she’s not relying on Roger coming back to her. She knows that Roger won’t return without Jemmy, but Jemmy isn’t in the past. Now she knows where he is, she needs to get to him.

I certainly seen some foreshadowing in this chapter when it comes to time travel. I’ll get to that in the foreshadowing section.

Yes, I expect to see this chapter being used in some sort of way. I’ll get to my thoughts on why in the adaptation section.

Let’s dive into Written in My Own Heart’s Blood Chapter 103.