Outlander Book Club: Written in My Own Heart’s Blood Chapter 80 breakdown

Outlander season 7. Image courtesy Robert Wilson. © 2022 Starz Entertainment, LLC
Outlander season 7. Image courtesy Robert Wilson. © 2022 Starz Entertainment, LLC /
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Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ /

Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter

This chapter seems to foreshadow some things to come for John, Hal, and William. It’s clear that Hal is going to become more integral to the story. We’ll get to know more about him in the main books. He’s sure to have some thoughts about John’s secret and the way William has found out.

I think we also get some foreshadowing of William slowly accepting the secrets held from him. Right now, he’s still angry and he has every right to be. He’s also suffering from a major head wound at the moment. Concussions are not something to take lightly! At least he has his uncle who can help to navigate this situation, and he knows that Hal is going to look past who William’s real father is.

Adapting the Written in My Own Heart’s Blood chapter

I would like to see this chapter used for a couple of reasons. The first is Ian getting captured and having to work with John to at least get John free. This will help to get Ian free.

The second reason is for the Hal and William scene. I think it’s very important to remember that family isn’t all about blood. There is a lot of focus in Outlander on chosen family. Just look at Bree and Roger being raised by men who aren’t their fathers. Their stories mimic William’s in some ways. It would have been easy for Hal to realize who William is and turn away from him, but that isn’t who Hal is. He has been raised the same way as John, and we see that in this moment.

My only question about including this story is whether there is enough time for it. Is there enough time to bring Hal into the series fully as well as John and William? There’s a lot to fit in and not a lot of time to do it. It really will depend on priorities in the two seasons to come.

Next. 25 most romantic moments on Outlander so far. dark

What did you spot while reading Written in My Own Heart’s Blood Chapter 80? Let us know in the comments below.

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