Outlander Book Club: Written in My Own Heart’s Blood Chapter 76 breakdown

Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
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Outlander Season 6
Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter

We know how the Revolutionary War ends, but it’s always interesting to see how the American did it when they weren’t the most organized bunch. Sometimes, it is about passion. I also think they had some good leaders that helped them win when times got touch. The Jacobites could have won if Bonnie Prince Charlie was a better leader.

This chapter does seem to foreshadow a bit of the win, though. There are enough people who want revenge and change to see it happen.

Adapting the Written in My Own Heart’s Blood chapter

I am hazy on the next few chapters of the story, which makes it harder to say if this chapter will be used in the TV series. It’s a lot of back and forth with where John is, and that risks taking up more time than the TV show has available. We could see this chapter avoided just because of that.

Doesn’t John get back to the British camps shortly after this? I don’t remember him being taken back to the Americans, so I would hazard a guess that this chapter could be used to see John in a spot of danger while trying to escape just to have show-first fans a little worried about it.

What did you spot while reading Written in My Own Heart’s Blood Chapter 76? Let us know in the comments below.

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