Ian and William both end up in trouble in Outlander Book 8, Chapter 72
It’s the day of the battle in Outlander Book 8, Chapter 72, and we get to see where Ian and William are. It turns out they’re both scouts, even though William wasn’t supposed to be one.
We get a chapter in two parts again. I find it interesting that we get these two characters running in one chapter. They are both doing similar things for different sides, but they are doing things in their own way.
Ian is supposed to be a scout. That’s the job he’s been given, and he’s good at it. He gets into a spot of bother but nothing too bad. He’s able to head back to camp to give the information he has.
Meanwhile, William ends up passing on the message that Captain Andre gave him. Remember that Captain Andre is going to be found out as a spy in two years’ time. That’s something Claire told John. It makes me wonder what was in the note William was passing on. Whatever it was is of no consequence, though. William is able to get into his own trouble during the chapter.
This chapter doesn’t foreshadow all that much. It’s pushing the plot forward, and I’ll get to that in the foreshadowing section.
Will it be used in the TV series? I have my doubts, and I’ll get to why that is in the adaptation section.
Let’s dive into Written in My Own Heart’s Blood Chapter 72.