Lord John Grey may be caught in Outlander Book 8, Chapter 59
Lord John Grey has managed to fit in with the American camp up to Outlander Book 8, Chapter 59. That may all be about to change after the events in the chapter.
We’ve seen John be a spy without meaning to be a spy. After managing to escape one camp, he’s ended up in another looking like he actually belongs there this time. And the Americans have believed him.
Things were nearly up when Germain saw him. However, it’s in this chapter that John realizes that the gig may be up. He may end up being found out as a British officer, and that would mean death. He also finds out that a certain Fraser is also in the camp.
This chapter doesn’t involve too much in the way of foreshadowing. It’s mostly about plot development, and I’ll get to my thoughts on that in the foreshadowing section.
As for the adaptation, I do expect to see some of this chapter used. That is even if the Percy Wainwright parts aren’t used.
Let’s dive into Written in My Own Heart’s Blood Chapter 59.