Dr. Joe Abernathy receives a letter from Bree in Outlander Book 8, Chapter 46
We head to Dr. Joe Abernathy in Outlander Book 8, Chapter 46. We know deep down what this means about Brianna and the children.
We find out a little about Joe’s homelife in this chapter. It’s not much, except that his wife is away for a conference and Joe is ready for an easy night. That easy night isn’t going to happen, though. Joe has a letter from Brianna, and everything about it worries him.
This letter tells us everything that is going on for Bree. We already knew that she was thinking about family in America, and I’ll admit that I forgot about Joe at first. I was so focused on Bree going through the stones.
This chapter pushes the plot forward for Brianna’s story. That’s the main purpose of it, and I’ll get to my thoughts on that in the foreshadowing section.
What about using it in the TV series? I don’t think we’ll see this chapter used, and I’ll get to my thoughts on why that is in the adaptation section.
Let’s dive into Written in My Own Heart’s Blood Chapter 46.