Lord John Grey has mixed feelings while being captured in Outlander Book 8, Chapter 7
Outlander Book 8, Chapter 7 is split into two parts. We get to see what Jamie will do next after learning the truth from John. We then get to see John after being captured by the rebels.
Jamie is angry, but it’s not just over John and Claire being together. This isn’t just jealousy. There’s shame mixed in with it all. John’s words about his attraction to Jamie have brought up so much about Black Jack Randall. That’s not surprising.
As for John, he currently has mixed feelings. He’s proud of himself for telling Jamie his feelings, but he’s also scared. He’s currently a captive, and he finds out that the letter on him that he received just as Jamie turned up was to inform him that his active commission had been reinstated.
There is certainly a lot of plot development in this chapter. I also think there’s some foreshadowing in Jamie’s actions moving forward. I’ll get to that in the foreshadowing section.
I expect to see this chapter used in the adaptation. I’ll get to my thoughts on that in the adaptation section.
Let’s dive into Written in My Own Heart’s Blood Chapter 7.