Lallybroch pass holders get to go to Blue Mountain at Sasnak City: The Gathering 2022. Some tickets are also available to purchase. Is it worth it?
Outlander fans at Sasnak City get the opportunity to spend time getting to know the guests. This is all done at Blue Mountain on the Saturday night. It happens at the same time as the Saturday party for all other ticket holders.
Those who get the Lallybroch ticket will get the opportunity to head to Blue Mountain. There are some tickets also available to purchase. The exact amount of tickets always depends on the number of cast members who arrive. In 2022, there were nine cast members which meant there were 90 tickets available including those who already had a ticket due to having Lallybroch tickets.
What happens at Blue Mountain at Sasnak City: The Gathering 2022?
Blue Mountain is a chance to get to know the cast a little. There is no opportunity for selfies, and there are no phones allowed throughout the event. In fact, phones should be turned off.
The Blue Mountain Cocktails sees each cast member sit at a table. They spent 11 minutes (ish) in 2022 talking at each table, and it’s a chance to have a general chat, ask questions, and for the cast to get to know the fans. There are some rules about the sort of topics that can be discussed, but the actors don’t always follow those rules. However, as attendees, please do follow the rules.
After chatting for the time, the cast then moves to the next table. The chair will also move around each table so everyone gets a chance to sit next to a cast member throughout the night. It’s not necessarily going to be the cast member you want, but aren’t all the Outlander actors great?
Watch out for the antics of some of the cast members. Some of them are big personalities and they will get up to something crazy. What happens at Blue Mountain stays at Blue Mountain, but there are photos now and then from the approved people.

What did you think of Blue Mountain at Sasnak City: The Gathering 2022? Which event do you want to go to next time? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Check out the official Sasnak City website for all the details about the next Gathering.