Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter
There is a little bit of foreshadowing in this chapter. When it comes to the bits about Jem and Mandy, it’s certainly foreshadowing that there is more to their abilities. They are able to do more than time travel, and I get the sense that some of this is from the Fraser line and not just the Beauchamp line or MacKenzie line.
The MacKenzie’s aren’t safe because of this. If Bree thinks she’s the only person who realizes there’s something different about Jem and Mandy, she’s wrong.
Meanwhile, there’s foreshadowing in Roger thinking about how time means nothing and learning about his father. There is going to be a lot more when it comes to later chapters. We’ll get to see Jerry and find out what actually happened to him
Adapting An Echo in the Bone chapter
I don’t think a lot of this chapter is going to be used in the TV series. I simply don’t think there will be the time, and it’s not like the show has included a lot of the other abilities of the characters. While Jamie has mentioned his dreams in passing before, the show hasn’t really focused on it.
The part that could be included is the bits about Jerry. We know that he ends up being a major player in Roger’s life, changing outcomes because of his ability to time travel. It all depends on how much of the jumping through time we’ll see the characters do. That does eventually happen, but is there enough time for something like that?
When it comes to Bree and Roger’s story, the bits that involve Rob Cameron and the time jumping are the most important. We’ll need whatever is most important for those parts.
What did you spot while reading An Echo in the Bone Chapter 21? Let us know in the comments below.
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