Outlander Book Club: An Echo in the Bone Chapter 9 breakdown

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ
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Outlander Season 5 — Courtesy of STARZ

Foreshadowing in the Outlander chapter

I feel like there is a bit of foreshadowing in this chapter. The first is the way Ian will be received. We know that Jenny isn’t going to be happy, but she ends up with other problems. Her husband is dying. I feel like we get some foreshadowing of Jenny learning the truth about Claire and then blaming Claire for Ian’s death.

We also have some foreshadowing of Claire and Jamie being separated yet again. This all comes from renewing their vows. Every time the two of them get this sort of moment, they’re separated. Look at in Dragonfly in Amber when they carve their initials in their thumbs before Claire goes through the stones.

Adapting An Echo in the Bone chapter

I’m not sure a lot of this chapter will end up being used. We’ve seen the series skip over some of the more romantic moments, although there were attempts to add in the carving of the initials in the thumbs. I’d love to see this moment from An Echo in the Bone though. The writers could even combine the Dragonfly in Amber moment with this moment. We need to see this devotion to each other.

I also want to see Ian’s mixed emotions about going home. He hasn’t seen his mother since he was abducted. He chose to make a life in North Carolina, and he chose then to become part of the Mohawk tribe. There have been so many changes, and it’s only natural for a son to worry about what his parents will think. This offers some great character development for Young Ian, so I think it’s necessary.

What did you spot while reading An Echo in the Bone Chapter 9? Let us know in the comments below.

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