We get a rather odd chapter told from Forbes’s POV in Outlander Book 6, Chapter 100
It’s not often that we get a chapter from the viewpoint of a non-main character. That’s what happens in Outlander Book 6, Chapter 100.
It’s a very short chapter, especially for Diana Gabaldon. However, it’s clear that this chapter has a lot of weight for the next part of the story. Things are starting to come together, especially with some of the things we learned in the previous chapter.
Forbes is trying to get away as quickly as possible. He wants to get to the beach at Edenton with his mother, but it’s clear that he is running from someone or something. This could be linked to the carriage that has its curtains drawn. In fact, it’s highly likely that it’s linked to all this.
The chapter hasn’t been used in the TV series, and it won’t be. At least, not with Forbes. We know that the character is dead in the TV series, so if this chapter is used in any sort of way, it’s going to have to be with another character.
As for foreshadowing, I’m not sure if there’s any foreshadowing within the chapter. The foreshadowing is the choice to have a chapter from his point of view.
Let’s dive into A Breath of Snow and Ashes Chapter 100.