Claire and Jamie are reunited for a short time in Outlander Book 6, Chapter 96
Jamie finally makes it to Claire, but that reunion is short-lived in Outlander Book 6, Chapter 96. It does offer a little hope that there is a way to save Claire from execution, though.
It all starts with Claire and the others on the Cruizer watching as the fort burns. Governor Martin has finally realized that Claire is actually the accused murderess and not the forger, which makes her look at her a little differently. After all, she lied to him.
When Jamie finally gets to the ship, he offers Governor Martin the black diamond to save Claire. It’s not a bribe. He just wants to make sure that Claire gets a fair trial. Governor Martin has another offer for Jamie to allow Claire to go free.
This chapter does develop the plot considerably. I don’t really see all that much in the way of foreshadowing, and I’ll get to that in the foreshadowing section.
I definitely see this being used as part of the TV series, though. I can see Jamie finding Governor Martin, and there being trouble. After all, Jamie has pretty much declared he’s not fighting for the Crown. This will depend on how much Lord John Grey has shared so far. I’ll get to my thoughts on this in the adaptation section.
Let’s dive into A Breath of Snow and Ashes Chapter 96.