Was Jamie really a virgin in Outlander Season 1?

Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy of STARZ

In Outlander Season 1, Jamie confesses to Claire that he is still a virgin. Is this true? Is there any reason for Jamie to lie about this?

Just before their wedding, Claire asks Jamie if he has a problem with the fact that she’s been married before. It’s not an issue for him, as long as he doesn’t mind that he’s still a virgin. One of them should know what they’re doing!

It is a shock to Claire to hear this. It was probably a shock to fans of the series/books when they first heard/read the line. The man is 23, and this is in the 18th century. It seems a little odd that he’s a 23-year-old virgin, even if he is still unmarried.

Is it possible that he lied about this? There really wasn’t any reason for him to lie.

Jamie was a virgin on his wedding night in Outlander

It does seem odd considering the life Jamie had before he met Claire. He had fought in France. Being a soldier would have meant a lot of lewd behavior for the majority of men. Of course, Jamie is not like most men.

He would have drank, and he would have gambled. However, he didn’t sleep with women. There were girls he was interested in—that’s for sure—and there were girls interested in him. If he really did something with them, wouldn’t he have just admitted it?

The wedding night is a giveaway that he doesn’t really have much of a clue about what goes on in the bedroom. He’s spent all his time around horses, and he’s sure that people sleep with each other the way horses do. Claire is the one who makes it very clear that is not the way things are done.

He’s also shocked that Claire can enjoy the deed. Murtagh, Angus, Rupert, and all the others have warned him that women don’t really like it. That is likely the case for them, but not for Claire as long as it’s done right. Of course, he’s going to take their word for it if he’s so inexperienced, though.

Claire is his first, and she will also be his last.

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