Why does Lionsgate potentially selling STARZ mean for Outlander?

Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy of STARZ /

Lionsgate is looking to sell STARZ. What could this mean for the future of Outlander? We look at what the potential sale means for the series.

As of right now, Lionsgate isn’t selling STARZ. However, with the stocks in the company dropping, Indie Wire is looking at Lionsgate potentially selling the premium cable network. This could have an affect on Outlander.

Right now, our series and Power are the two big franchises on the network. And yes, we’re going to call Outlander a franchise at the moment. There are talks of a prequel spin-off series, which would mean the development of a franchise on the network.

So, what could the sale mean for the series focused on Claire and Jamie? Is the end near?

The potential sale means nothing for Outlander yet

You can take a breath of relief right now. The sale isn’t even officially happening. This is just something that could potentially happen, so right now, there is no immediate threat to the shows on the network.

Should the premium cable network be sold, it could lead to the end of the series. At the same time, Outlander could be safe. It remains one of the most popular shows on the network. Any company that buys STARZ will want the more popular shows to keep going.

50 Cent, who is the EP behind the Power franchise, is looking at leaving STARZ. This will likely have a knock-on effect on Power shows. We are still waiting on a renewal for some of the shows. So if that franchise goes, STARZ is going to want to keep the time travel drama to stick around.

We know that Sony and STARZ are currently in talks for an eighth season of the series. There are also talks for the prequel series. If STARZ is still in talks, then it suggests there are no signs of the franchise disappearing just yet.

However, the shows on the network may not get the same budget. This could mean fewer episodes, or it could mean a change to the studio in Scotland, which is currently used for our show and that’s it. The studio could end up being used for other STARZ shows, which could affect Droughtlander lengths.

The potential sale is something we’ll keep an eye on. After all, we want to see more from the series just like all Sassenachs.

dark. Next. Will Outlander Season 7 include Inside the World featurettes?

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