Just the Outlander chapter
The chapter starts with Bird getting his muskets. He’s happy with them, and starts passing them around the Cherokee. Jamie has come through with his promise, and this helps the relations between the Frasers and the Cherokee.
Crombie is also there. He doesn’t know the language all that well, but it’s enough to converse a little. When there are jokes about moles in the Bible, it all goes over Crombie’s head. However, Crombie doesn’t seem to realize that Bird is making fun of him.
Jamie points out that Crombie believes in monogamy. He won’t want women visiting his tent, and he won’t see the visits as a gift. That’s not something Bird thinks Crombie will need to worry about. He makes it clear that none of the women are looking to have a baby with him. They want Bear Killer’s babies.
I adore this part of the book. It’s important to remember that most Native tribes are a matriarchal society. The women make a lot of the choices, and they certainly have a say over who they lay with and have babies with. If they don’t want to, they won’t be sent to tents as “gifts.” They want a baby with the renowned Bear Killer.
At the very end of the chapter, we get a short letter. Jamie is resigning as Indian Agent.