Outlander Book Club: A Breath of Snow and Ashes Chapter 65 breakdown

Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
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Outlander Season 6, EPisode 7
Outlander Season 6 — Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

Just the Outlander chapter

The chapter starts with Jamie kicking himself for talking poetry with Major MacDonald. Had they not been engrossed in conversation, Jamie would have been alone when he came across the five men. Two of the men are strangers, but he recognizes the other three, and one of them is Richard Brown.

He knows that the other two men are Whigs. They want freedom from the Crown, and it’s clear that they are on their way to the Continental Congress. That’s where Jamie wants to go, but this situation is going to prevent that from happening.

The men claim that Jamie is still with the Crown. They must be if she’s still working for the Governor. Is it possible that Jamie is a spy? That’s something the men think, and they attack Jamie.

Fortunately, Jamie thinks on his feet. He manages to get out of dodge, and he finds Major MacDonald in the woods. By the time they get back to the road, they see that Major MacDonald’s horse has been taken, but Gideon remains. Gideon’s saddle is damaged, but the men decided not to attempt to take the horse.

Major MacDonald notes that they won’t be able to get Jamie in on the Continental Congress to pass information back to the Governor. This is what the Crown believes Jamie is doing, but we know that he also wants to switch sides.