Jamie ends up in some trouble on the road in Outlander Book 6, Chapter 65
Jamie is out on the road when he comes across five men who cause trouble in Outlander Book 6, Chapter 65. We see the trouble Jamie is going to face as he attempts to switch sides in the coming war.
We know that Jamie wants to be on the side of Independence. However, he can’t fully switch just yet. It’s a treasonous act at this point in time, and he can’t risk anything happening to the people of the Ridge as well as his family. He needs to time the switch just right.
This has led to questions about his loyalty. When he comes across five men on the road when he’s waiting for Major MacDonald, he realizes the trouble that he’s in. It doesn’t help that one of the men is Richard Brown.
This chapter wasn’t included in the TV series. That’s not surprising considering the way the show has to manage things. We’ll get to that in the adaptation section.
I don’t see too much in the way of foreshadowing in this chapter. It’s just a plot point to remind us of the trouble Jamie has found himself in right now.
Let’s dive into A Breath of Snow and Ashes Chapter 65.