6. Telling Lord John Grey what he’ll do
Jamie has been keeping a secret from those he cares about. He will switch sides, and that time is coming. He is getting in on the Continental Congress to make that possible.
There is one thing he needs to do before he fully switches sides. He needs to tell Lord John Grey, and he tells him when it comes to needing his help again. Jamie needs John to stall the red coats charging in on the meeting. It could be the end of a friendship, but Jamie shows how much he cares about this friendship by telling John and not leaving John to find out in some other way.
5. Supporting Roger’s decision
Roger and Jamie haven’t had the best of relationships. This took a turn when Roger was hanged and then when he took the initial steps to save Jamie from the snake bite. We see how much their relationship has developed in Outlander Season 6, Episode 7.
When Roger tells Jamie that he wants to be ordained as a minister, Jamie is more than supportive. He’s seen Roger in his element, and he knows this is a good thing. Even the different religions doesn’t bother Jamie. It’s clear he just wants people to be happy and doing something they love. He’s even happier to hear that Roger will fight to protect his family even if he won’t fight in a war. That’s all Jamie wants.
4. Not arguing at the funeral
When Malva’s body is carried out of the church, there are only three men to do it. Jamie steps forward, but Allan Christie refuses. He doesn’t want Jamie, who has been accused of having an affair with Malva, to be the one to carry her out.
Jamie could have put up a fight. He could have defended himself. Instead, he allowed the grieving members of the Christie family their time. He showed respect for them by stepping back without a word.