At the end of Outlander Season 6, Episode 6, Malva was heading to see Claire when she wound up murdered. Why would she have wanted to see Claire?
With everything going on at the end of Outlander Season 6, Episode 6, it will be easy to overlook the fact that Malva was clearly heading to Claire to tell her something. We have to assess what she was going to say, as it likely links to her eventual murder.
Would Malva head to Claire to gloat a little more? That’s unlikely. We have to look back at one particular scene with Claire, Malva, and Allan to get an idea of what was likely going on in Malva’s head.
Was Malva going to tell Claire the truth in Outlander?
This is not a post to defend Malva in any way. Yes, there is a lot of trauma to break down, but that doesn’t change the manipulative nature of Malva. It offers us reasons but not excuses.
However, it’s clear that Malva may not have been the one to come up with the idea of seducing Jamie. After all, there were men on the Ridge who Malva could have been interested in who weren’t married. The idea of seducing Jamie likely comes from the need to protect a much darker secret.
Malva seemed to want to share the truth at one point in Outlander Season 6, Episode 6. Claire had gone to extend an olive branch after accepting that Jamie hadn’t had an affair, and in that moment, Malva broke. That facade dropped, and it was like she wanted the full truth to come out. Sadly, that wasn’t possible with Allan Christie walking out of the house.
Now, it does look like Allan is just being a protective big brother, but there’s more to this. Malva’s whole demeanor changes around Allan when he turns up. There is something Allan knows or has done that affects Malva.
So, at the very end of the episode, it’s likely that Malva was ready to confess it all. She wanted to make sure Claire knew the truth, but Claire didn’t let her into the house. Instead, her attacker—likely the real father of her baby—turned up and killed her before she could say anything to Claire.
What do you think is going on with Malva’s story? Who killed her in Outlander? What did she want to tell Claire? Share your thoughts in the comments below.