3 best Jamie moments in Outlander Season 6, Episode 4

Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ /

Jamie learned about Young Ian’s story during Outlander Season 6, Episode 4. Here’s a look back at Jamie’s top three moments.

With the title “Hour of the Wolf,” we knew that Outlander Season 6, Episode 4 was going to be a major episode for Young Ian. It had to be. We needed to know what happened with the Mohawk. That didn’t take away from some major moments for Jamie.

Jamie had the chance to hear Young Ian’s story. He also met another Indian Agent named Scotchie. These are big moments and they lead to the standout parts for Jamie Fraser.

3 best Jamie moments in Outlander Season 6, Episode 4

Refusing to listen about going past the treaty line

Jamie is already walking a fine line. Eventually, he will need to switch sides. He needs to join with the Patriots at the right time for the Revolutionary War, but right now, he needs to remain on the side of King George and make it look like he is loyal.

Scotchie wants to spread west though. This would take him over the treaty line, but he doesn’t see a problem with it if some of the tribes around the area are willing to sell their land. Jamie quickly shoots the man down, unwilling to even consider this knowing what he knows.

Telling Bird about the Trail of Tears

Speaking of what he knows, Jamie learns all about the Trail of Tears during the episode. Bree can’t hold it in anymore, but what will Jamie do with that information?

He decides to tell Bird that the women in his family have the ability to see the future in dreams. Bird takes him seriously, but Jamie makes it clear that he can’t tell too many people. He’d seem like a madman. Bird can’t do much against the enemy, but he can pass the story down the generations to make sure the people hide instead of fight.

Sharing all about Faith

The episode was a big one for Young Ian. We learn what happened during his time with the Mohawk, and it’s heartbreaking. At one point, Young Ian struggles with believing that the death of his own baby was a punishment from God.

This is a chance for Jamie to open up a little about his past. It’s so reminiscent of the moment in the Outlander Season 4 premiere when Young Ian deals with that feeling of being violated by Geillis. Jamie shares all about Faith, and we can see how Young Ian may be a “man of worth” but he still needs his Uncle Jamie.

Next. 3 best Jamie moments from Outlander Season 6, Episode 3. dark

What were your favorite moments in Outlander Season 6, Episode 4? Share yours in the comments below.

Outlander airs on Sundays on STARZ.