How long is Outlander Season 6, Episode 3?

Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ

The first two episodes of Outlander Season 6 were over the hour mark, bringing us plenty of drama. How long is the third episode going to be?

It’s important to know how long episodes are going to be when it comes to premium cable shows. They don’t follow the same run times as broadcast shows. There’s no need to worry about advertisers, and little need to worry about a knock-on effect with the times of other shows. After all, most people will watch the shows on the app rather than channel.

If you do watch on the channel and you record, you’ll want to know the length of the episode. This is the only way to make sure you set your DVR right. If you’re outside of the U.S., you will have to deal with advertisers, so you’ll need to double-check the exact length for your networks as the run time will be extended.

Outlander Season 6, Episode 3 length

The third episode is just over an hour long. It’s not as long as the first two episodes, which came in at 80 minutes and then 70 minutes.

Outlander Season 6, Episode 3 will run for 64 minutes. It suggests that there is still a lot that’s going to happen in the new episode. Based on the promo, we certainly know that there is drama. We’ll spend time with Fergus and getting to know his fears and where his head is at right now. Then we’ll see Tom get his surgery.

The most intense part is sure to be Henri-Christian in the river. This happens because of the way the people at the Ridge view his disability. It’s going to mean Roger has to act fast to save him.

The episode starts at 9 p.m. ET/PT. With a 64 minute run time, we’re looking at it finishing at a little after 10 p.m. ET/PT. The STARZ network says the new episode of Shining Vale will start at 10:04 p.m. ET/PT.

Next. 5 big takeaways from the Outlander Season 6, Episode 3 promo and synopsis. dark

Outlander airs Sundays on STARZ.