Brianna and Young Ian come across Donner in Outlander Book 6, Chapter 55
“Yellow Submarine” becomes a song of choice in Outlander Book 6, Chapter 55. It’s the best way for Donner to check if Brianna knows anything about time travel.
We get to learn a little more about Wendigo Donner in this chapter. It’s time to find out how he ended up in the past, and to see if he’ll be able to get to his own time. That’s all he seems to want now. We also learn just why he and others traveled to the past, and it turns out that he and some others had different intentions to Robert Springer (also known as Otter Tooth).
This is a chapter that takes away from the main things going on at River Run. However, it’s important for chapters later. In fact, there are things within the chapter that foreshadow some things to come. Everything eventually weaves into the story. We’ll get back to everything else soon.
I’m not entirely sure if this chapter will be used. Donner should come back, but I’m not sure if it will happen. We have to remember that Outlander Season 6 is shorter than it was originally going to be and that there were some pandemic restrictions. I’ll get to my thoughts on the topic in the adaptation section.
Let’s dive into A Breath of Snow and Ashes Chapter 55.