Outlander Book Club: A Breath of Snow and Ashes Chapter 42 breakdown

Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
Outlander Season 6 -- Courtesy of Robert Wilson/STARZ
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Outlander — Courtesy of STARZ

Just the Outlander chapter

We start with Bobby arriving. He’s not ill anymore. Everything has cleared up, although there is a comment about his loose stools at one point. He isn’t worried about that, though. It’s to do with all the beans he’s been eating. He is grateful for Claire’s help, though, even if he still finds talking about his bowel movements uncomfortable. I’m reminded of Duncan Innes when Claire tried to talk to him about bowel movements, too.

Bobby is going to hang around for a while. He knows that Jamie has a letter for Lord John Grey, but Jamie is currently away. We know Jamie wrote the letter and was supposed to leave it with Claire to give to Bobby, but it seems that hasn’t happened.

With Bobby around, Claire now has the chance to test out ether on patients. Lizzie and Bobby both agree to be her test subjects. Brianna has made a mask to make it possible to use the ether, and Malva is there to be the assistant while Claire makes her notes.

Everyone is shocked to see how Claire can put people to sleep and bring them back to consciousness. Malva notes that she can see why her dad would call it’s the devil’s work. Only God should have these abilities.

Lizzie and Bobby discuss what it was like being under. They don’t think it was like sleep, and Lizzie notes that the soul goes with the angels during sleep as they watch over the body. This wasn’t the same thing.

Bobby also notes that he saw a dark woman as he was waking up. He didn’t recognize her, and she made him uncomfortable. Hallucinations are common, but it’s something for Claire to note.

The conversation moves onto Lizzie’s upcoming wedding. This is when Claire notes that there is attention for Malva but her father and brother keep people away. The talk is cut short when Claire realizes that everyone is suffering from the effects of the ether so needs to get the cloth outside and open the windows for ventilation. That’s the tests over for a day.