A Discovery of Witches Season 3 has begun, and there is one big storyline. Diana and Matthew are having twins. Will those babies make it into the world?
Caution: There are some minor spoilers from the A Discovery of Witches books, as well as the third season premiere.
If you haven’t started watching A Discovery of Witches to get through Droughtlander, now is the time to do it. In the U.S., Season 3 has started. It’s the final season, and this season does include Outlander‘s Steven Cree.
When it comes to stories about romance, there are always questions about whether couples work out and whether babies will be born. Matthew and Diana’s story is no different. Fans want to know if the two have a baby.
Diana and Matthew have twins in A Discovery of Witches
The couple are currently expecting twins. They find out that they’re having a baby at the end of A Discovery of Witches Season 2. In the premiere, Matthew notes that he hears two heartbeats. There isn’t just one baby but two!
The storyline changes a little from the books. In the second book, the two learn that they’re going to have a baby. However, Diana suffers a miscarriage, and the two have to grieve before they find out that they’re having twins.
The miscarriage storyline was cut out due to time constraints in the series. There wasn’t the time to have Diana and Matthew grieve fully in the series like there is in the book, so that storyline was cut. However, the twins storyline hasn’t been removed from the story, and this is likely to go the way that the book story goes.
A relationship between a witch and a vampire is already by enough. Now we have babies thrown into the mix. Diana is a target, and Matthew and his family will not let anything happen to Diana and the unborn babies.
We won’t get into the rest of this storyline. If you’re in the UK, there is the option to binge-watch the entire series. However, that’s not an option in North America, so we’ll leave the rest of the story out for now and revisit when it comes to the end of the series airing.
A Discovery of Witches Season 3 airs Saturdays on Sundance Now, Shudder, and AMC+. All are available via Amazon Channels.