Do the Outlander portals open on Christmas Day?

Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy of STARZ
Outlander Season 1 -- Courtesy of STARZ

Christmas Day is special for many of us. Is it one of the special days in the world of Outlander? Will the portals open today?

We all keep an eye out for the special days when it comes to the world of OutlanderThese are the days that the portals open. We have fun warning other fans that the portals are open and to stay away from standing stones unless you want to travel through time.

Is Christmas Day one of those special days? Should you avoid the stone circles when you go out for casual walks with your family today?

The Outlander portals don’t open on Christmas Day

Don’t worry if you are on a walk around anywhere near stone circles. Christmas Day isn’t one of the special days. Christmas Eve isn’t one of the special days either.

The stone circles were opened recently, though. The Winter Solstice was the day to look out for. That happened on Tuesday, Dec. 21.

When will the portals be open next?

So, if you do want to see if you have the time-traveling gene, when should you head out to the stone circles and other portals next? You’ll need to wait until 2022 for the next date. No, it’s not going to be on New Year’s Day.

The portals follow the pagan dates, and there are eight of them throughout the year. The next one coming up is Feb. 1. The portal opens on the 1st and will remain open overnight to the 2nd. This is Imbolc, the first big day in the modern-day calendar.

Imbolc is also known as Candlemass and traditionally marks the first stirrings of spring. This is when you’ll see Groundhog Day celebrations. It’s a time for purification and cleaning.

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