A newcomer arrives at the Ridge with a letter from a friend in Outlander Book 6, Chapter 8
We start Part 2 of Outlander Book 6 with a short chapter. It’s a letter from a good friend of Jamie Fraser.
Lord John Grey and Jamie continue to keep in touch through letters. I love their friendship. Even in a time when it’s not easy to remain in touch with people, the two value their friendship with each other.
It’s no longer just about their friendship, either. Lord John also sends his regards to Claire and Brianna. He has connected to the entire family, and he isn’t going to let these connections disappear. He’s willing to put in the effort to keep them, and vice versa.
The letter has been delivered by a stranger. This is when we get to know a little about Bobby Higgins, who is about to become a much bigger character in the books. He’s even still around in Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone.
There isn’t much in the way of foreshadowing in this chapter. Nor has the chapter been used on the series. The chapter itself probably won’t be used, but I’m curious as to whether Bobby will be introduced in the series. Will this be another character written out and overlooked? I’ll get into my thoughts about that in the adaptation section.
Let’s dive into A Breath of Snow and Ashes Chapter 8.