Rachel and Young Ian couldn’t decide on a name for their child during Written in My Own Heart’s Blood. What name did Oggy get in Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone?
Poor Oggy needed a name. There was only so long he could be known as “Oggy,” right? Well, maybe not. Would it have really been all that bad if he kept that name for the rest of his life? It’s likely to be a nickname for his whole life for the people close to him.
However, eventually, Rachel and Young Ian would need to choose a name. They didn’t end up choosing the name, though. There was someone special from Young Ian’s life who picked the name for his son.
Emily returns in Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone
Young Ian and Emily were temporarily reunited during the ninth Outlander book. No, not in a way that they got back together. Both of them have moved on with other partners and have children of their own.
It was Emily who named Young Ian’s son with Rachel. This is customary in her culture, and it made a lot of sense for Young Ian to keep that tradition. While he and Emily are no longer together, Young Ian didn’t want to leave her and he still views himself as a Mohawk in many ways.
Oggy is named Hunter. This isn’t for Rachel, though, even though her maiden name is Hunter. It just works to keep Rachel’s maiden name in the family.
The names being the same is a coincidence, though. It’s similar to the way Fergus’s son Germaine is named that despite there not being a confirmed connection between Fergus and the Comte St. Germaine.
What did you think of Oggy’s real name? Share your thoughts on the events in Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone in the comments below.
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